Sunday, August 30, 2009

Impromptu Trip to Utah

Aiden and I just got back from our quick trip to Utah and it was fantastic.
I was super nervous about flying without Thomas, 7 months pregnant with a 19 month old boy, but apparently those circumstances make most everybody pity you and hook you up with good seats. :)
We had a layover in Atlanta, Denver and then were in Salt Lake by 4.00 pm on Saturday. We had good seats that gave time to let Aiden be entertained or have the space he needed in his own seat. When we got to the airport, we sat there for an hour before my mom finally asked the information desk if she could find out if a passenger had landed. The information desk then told her that she was in the wrong terminal. Thank goodness that was it. I spent that hour calling my siblings over and over and trying to come up with a logical explanation as to why my mom wouldn't be there but kept coming up short and freaking out thinking she was in an accident. It's times like this that I wish she had a cell phone. (Hint, hint!!!)
That evening, and the next three and a half days, I spent at Tracy-Ann's house just hanging out. Sunday I was able to go to the Oquirrh Mountain LDS Temple Dedication, and despite the heat in the cultural hall of the church, it was absolutely and amazingly beautiful.
We were able to work on the blankets my mom and Tracy have been making for Aiden and Cecilia, make me a huge, pregnant-lady apron in hopes that my clothes will be a little less stained and just spend time together while her daughters smothered Aiden with their every action. Brenna also came up on Tuesday and hung out with us for the day and even spent the night, so we had a big sleep over on the couch in the basement.
I was going to go up to Montana with my parents Monday through Wednesday, but at the last minute decided to stay home because Aiden wasn't taking naps and was still on Florida time despite my putting him to bed on Utah time, so he was losing a good 3-4 hours of sleep a day and I didn't think he would make the 10 hour drive to Montana to turn around and do it again a couple days later to turn around and fly home a couple days later. I also didn't think my pregnant body would be able to handle it as well as I had been hoping.
Wednesday I went home with my parents and then spent Thursday shopping with my mom for a few things here and there and then went up to Dennie and Hillary's for the evening.
My mom and I took Dennie's girls and Aiden to a softball game Dennie was playing in and then it was time for bed.
Friday I had one last farewell with everyone at Golden Corral and then it was off to the airport.
My first flight was delayed 30 minutes because the crew was doing the security checks and when I landed in Denver, they were holding the plane for myself and one other guy, so we ran to the next door gate to barely catch our breath before it was time to take off again.
Luckily, again, people took pity on me and Aiden and I had three seats to ourselves and the plane had TV's on the back of every seat so Aiden was entertained with Nickelodeon and looking out the window.
Our last flight was delayed by 30-40 minutes because the flight crew was caught up with their previous flight. They had a medical emergency while in flight and had to take care of the passenger and then fill in the people you fill in when you land. So finally at 12:35 a.m. technically Saturday morning, I arrived in Jacksonville. Super long day.
I am so glad I was able to spend time with my family one last time before the baby is born and look forward to seeing my mom in a few weeks! :)

Thank you, Thomas, for being so willing to let me go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm Homeward Bound!!

Thomas and I obviously fly quite a bit to see my family and because we do, we frequently get emails from Travelocity letting us know of good deals on flights. Well, today Thomas got an email with low fares from Jacksonville to Salt Lake City. Thomas checked them out, and we found that I could fly home before the baby was born for $250, but womp, womp, it was too close for my due date.

So we checked for flights leaving this weekend and hooray! We found one that was cheap enough, so Aiden and I will be flying out to Utah this Saturday and coming back the following Friday. I am super ecstatic because I get especially homesick when I am pregnant. Crazy hormones. I can't wait!

Time to go do laundry!! :D :D :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Say Please, Zelda!

The other day I was in the living room folding laundry and Aiden was driving me crazy with his "helping" so I sent him away. He went into the kitchen and I heard him rummaging through there and I thought to myself, "Good, he's getting himself some snacks, that'll keep him occupied for a little bit."
Then I heard him saying "pweease" over and over and I wondered why he would be doing that if he were feeding himself.
I turned the corner and I found him sitting in his high chair eating crackers, but holding one right in front of Zelda saying "pweease" and when she would go to eat it, he'd pull it back and say "pweease" again but in a more serious tone.

He was trying to make her say please before she could have a cracker.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sweet Whisperings of the Spirit

I love my sweet little son. I especially love how aware and sensitive he is becoming to things of a spiritual nature. The other day he was playing with his toy cars, making them vroom and go fast across the room and he stops playing, stands up, folds his arms and bows his head, mumbles for a few seconds then says, "'men!" and continues playing. He did this about 10 times in a 5 minute span. It is amazing to me that at such a young age, he can recognize those things.
Also, he has become a big fan of pictures of Jesus. Every night I read him scripture stories and right now we are in the New Testament. Every time he sees a picture of Jesus (there's like 2 on every page, at least) he will point to it and say "Jesus!!" well, it comes out more like "Gee-ya" and then proceed to tickle Him. Apparently, Jesus is ticklish. :) He will also point out pictures of Jesus as we are walking through church or if he sees the one we have hanging in our house.
It makes my heart swell to see his precious spirit coming out and I am so grateful I am blessed with such a wonderful child. It absolutely makes up for the irrational terrible two tantrums that have started to rear its ugly head.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

OB yet again.

Sorry I'm so behind. I get on here almost daily to read the blogs of others and to update my own with cute litte stories of Aiden that I know I'll forget, but by the time I am done reading all the other blogs, I go on to reading the news and forget all about posting my own.
My last OB appointment was on July 28. I had an ultrasound beforehand to see where the placenta was. I had thought they were checking to see if I just had an anterior placenta (placenta in the front of the uterus instead of the top) but what they were actually checking was to see if I had Placenta Accreta. My midwife had explained it to me in layman's terms, and I took those layman terms to find the medical term and came up with the wrong one. Placenta Accreta is where the placenta actually implants itself in the uterus wall and when I deliver, either the placenta won't come out, or it'll tear, causing hemmoraging, which if bad enough, could lead to a hysterectomy. Very unlikely, absolute worst case scenario but possible. You can imagine the nightmares that I had after that. The rest of that week went by very, very slowly because everytime I fell asleep I'd have terrible dreams of hemmoraging and whatnot, but I am okay with it now. If I do have it, I am just that much more likely to have a C-section (I know I'll have one, I just always have that little hope in the back of my mind that I won't have to go through that again because it was quite possibly the one of the worst times in my life). If they perform a C-section, they will be able to cut it out instead of having it tear out and they can better control the bleeding.
But I'm not even sure I have it, I will find out at my next appointment at the end of August.
The baby is still a girl and she looks perfectly healthy. She is 2 lbs, 11 oz +/- 6 oz. So essentially right on track, just a tad bit bigger than average, but that'll happen. I measured 29 weeks, one week ahead, so everything looks fine. I'm doing much better with my weight this go around. I'm sure the incredible amounts of sweating I do throughout the day in this Florida humidity and heat help with that. Also the fact that I lost like 5-10 lbs my first trimester helps keep the overall weight gain down, as well.
I do have to take iron pills because I am "slightly anemic", but that's it. I will find out more at my next appointment, which I believe will be with the doctor that will be performing the C-section instead of with my midwife.