Saturday, November 19, 2011

Relief Society Teacher

The time has officially come: I have to teach Relief Society tomorrow. So what am I doing instead of polishing off my lesson? I'm blogging about how I should be polishing off my lesson, while actually avoiding said act. I'm a genius.

I was excited at first because I love to teach, and become more excited to find out I was just a substitute and generally won't have to worry about it on top of the rest of my crazy life, but now I'm just nervous.

It dawned on me that since I live in the same house as when I was young, some of the ladies I will be teaching remember me when I was a little girl and looked exactly like Celia. That's kind of crazy and nerve wracking.

Well, train of thought was lost. I guess we'll see how it goes. As for now, I need to go to bed.

As for putting the final touches on it? Meh, it can wait until tomorrow. Especially since church does start until 2:30 PM!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

29 Days and Counting

As of today, I have 29 days until I take my exit exams from school and pass on the first time (if I keep saying that, maybe it'll come true, right?) then become eligible to take the NCLEX.

On the one hand, I celebrate every little achievement that brings me closer to that date - last capstone, last pediatric clinical (and subsequently, last clinical hour of my nursing school experience), last paper to write, last test to take in a particular class (which, technically, I haven't taken... yet. I will in a few days), so on and so forth. It's surreal that it's so close to the end.

And then horror sets in.

With all these little achievements means I am that much closer to the deadline of knowing absolutely everything I need to know in order to pass my exit exams and, ultimately, my boards.

It means I only have 29 days to pick the brains of the teachers I respect in order to have a better understanding. It means I only have 29 days to get my butt into gear and not allow myself to become too overwhelmed. It means I only have 29 days to figure out what I am going to do after school. Ya know, little things like getting a job.

BUT! That also means only 29 days until I am a registered. freaking. nurse. Well, kind of. I need to take boards to get that official title of RN, but I'll be a graduate nurse in 29 days.

As much as my current stress level is making me want to quit school and work at Micky D's for the rest of my life because that's the easy road, I am really excited to be done. I can't imagine my life without school taking up so much time. I can't imagine being able to have the opportunity to be the mom I want to be without being stressed out of my mind due to all the incredible amounts of homework I have looming in front of me. I can't imagine having the choice to go to church activities without feeling guilty because doing so would be neglecting my family even more. I can't imagine being able to tell people that I am a nurse - that I hold a position in society that is well respected and NOT a low-wage job that most people have straight out of high school.

So I guess all in all, I'm ready for the next 29 days to go by. Heaven knows my family is ready.

Just make it a kind of slow 29 days.