Saturday, August 1, 2009

OB yet again.

Sorry I'm so behind. I get on here almost daily to read the blogs of others and to update my own with cute litte stories of Aiden that I know I'll forget, but by the time I am done reading all the other blogs, I go on to reading the news and forget all about posting my own.
My last OB appointment was on July 28. I had an ultrasound beforehand to see where the placenta was. I had thought they were checking to see if I just had an anterior placenta (placenta in the front of the uterus instead of the top) but what they were actually checking was to see if I had Placenta Accreta. My midwife had explained it to me in layman's terms, and I took those layman terms to find the medical term and came up with the wrong one. Placenta Accreta is where the placenta actually implants itself in the uterus wall and when I deliver, either the placenta won't come out, or it'll tear, causing hemmoraging, which if bad enough, could lead to a hysterectomy. Very unlikely, absolute worst case scenario but possible. You can imagine the nightmares that I had after that. The rest of that week went by very, very slowly because everytime I fell asleep I'd have terrible dreams of hemmoraging and whatnot, but I am okay with it now. If I do have it, I am just that much more likely to have a C-section (I know I'll have one, I just always have that little hope in the back of my mind that I won't have to go through that again because it was quite possibly the one of the worst times in my life). If they perform a C-section, they will be able to cut it out instead of having it tear out and they can better control the bleeding.
But I'm not even sure I have it, I will find out at my next appointment at the end of August.
The baby is still a girl and she looks perfectly healthy. She is 2 lbs, 11 oz +/- 6 oz. So essentially right on track, just a tad bit bigger than average, but that'll happen. I measured 29 weeks, one week ahead, so everything looks fine. I'm doing much better with my weight this go around. I'm sure the incredible amounts of sweating I do throughout the day in this Florida humidity and heat help with that. Also the fact that I lost like 5-10 lbs my first trimester helps keep the overall weight gain down, as well.
I do have to take iron pills because I am "slightly anemic", but that's it. I will find out more at my next appointment, which I believe will be with the doctor that will be performing the C-section instead of with my midwife.

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