Friday, October 2, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, Doctor

If you guys couldn't tell, I'm pregnant. Wasn't sure if you were getting that vibe from my recent posts or not, just thought I'd make that clear.

I went to my OB again. Nothing changed. Not my weight (still at 23# total pregnant weight gain), not my fundus height (still at 36 cm), not Celia's heartbeat (still in the low 140's). All the same. I was in and out in a flash. I signed in, they took me back immediately just to get my vitals, but turned out the doctor (not my midwife) could see me right then, so I peed super fast into a Dixie Cup, she checked out my bare belly, gave me some candy, made me laugh a lot while she was trying to hear the baby's heartbeat, which is completely counter productive, but she just kept carrying on with the jokes, so it's her fault, then I made myself decent again and was on my way.

Next appointment is Tuesday, maybe I'll have some more information as far as pre-op and whatnot goes. I should also get an internal exam - fun! At least I'll have some more stats as far as effacement, dialation, station of the baby and whatnot.

We'll see, we'll see.

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