Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Deer in My Freezer

A few weeks ago, we were driving out to Nana and Pop-Pop's right as the sun was setting. Thomas and I were just talking our drive away when out of no where we heard a giant thunk. I had no idea what we had hit, but he had seen a deer run out in front of the car. It was so quick that he didn't even have time to take his foot off the gas, much less hit the brakes. He immediately turned around and we found it on the side of the road. We had hit the very back of it's leg and it's shin (do deer have shins?) was broken. All the damage we had to the car was a small dent on the edge of our hood that is easily fixed by ourselves, a cracked headlight, and a broken bulb. We have a spare bulb in our car (who knew?) so a after measely $35 for a new headlight front he scrap yard, we are back to normal. We are extremely fortunate it wasn't anymore than that.
He called his brother to come out and bring his truck so we could take it home and cut it up to freeze. Then we heard it grunting at my husband. Apparently, we didn't kill it.

So my husband, the hunter that he is, took his pistol, trekked into the woods, following the trail the deer left (all six feet of it into the trees), hunted it down and then shot it in the head, trying to put it out of it's misery. That didn't work. It was still alive for a little while after that, but it wasn't going anywhere. Sorry, Bambi.

After a trial run in cutting a deer, we now have 15 beer 'n cheddar flavored sausage links, 5 lbs of breakfast pan sausage, 3 lbs of general seasoned pan sausage, 1.5 lbs of italian pan sausage, and a bunch of roasts and back straps and whatnot. I'd say that's a pretty good deal for $35.00.

Not too bad for the first day of gun season.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Life As I Know It Is Over..

Aiden has figured out that the zippers on his toys work the same as all zippers. No longer am I able to zip up my purse and not have to worry about my checks, debit cards, sunglasses, etc. being strewn all over the place.

Nothing is safe anymore... My sanity included.

But on the good side: I have found a place to put my purse that is out of reach of Aiden and now I am forced to put it there. So no longer will I be running around the house trying to find my purse when I was supposed to be out the door five minutes ago. Maybe this will be a good thing.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Appointments for Celia

She had her one month check up last Wednesday. She weighed 10 lb 1 oz - 75% and was 22 inches long - 90%. She is doing wonderfully. She's very alert and has started to follow objects around the room and she has started to smile! Hooray! I love the first smiles when she's still trying to figure it all out.
We were having trouble nursing on the right side, so I came back today to see the Nursing Guru of the pediatrician office. Apparently she has a high palate which causes her to lose suction and make a clicking sound. The Nurse Practitioner told me that the best way to stop this is to feed her upside down. I am supposed to lie down and have her stomach in front of my face and feed her like that. We'll see how well that goes with a son that loves to help. I have a feeling I'll only use that during nap and at night. I'm not too worried about her intake seeing as how in the past five days she has gained 9 ounces. It just hurts on my end of things but that will heal in time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's funny what is said in the middle of a C-Section

I figured when I had my C-section with my son, it was just a funny happenstance that they were talking about weird things that were completely and utterly unrelated to them cutting my abdomen open, but after going through a second one, and having listened to another completely unrelated to the procedure conversation, I guess it's more common than one would think. I guess if you do it all the time, you can talk about other things while stitching one's uterus.

With my son, I listened to conversations about:
The Daytona 500

People who had puked while getting a C-section

My son being the Miami Dolphins next Linebacker (He was a big baby.)

and lastly, the numerous jokes that my anesthesiologist was making which I, regrettaly, can't remember the majority of due to the drugs I was on. Stupid Demerol.

But I would have to say the comments made during my daugher's C-section takes the cake.

They talked about cooties. My doctor was recently pulled over and he kept trying to hit on her, but his name was Sgt. Cootie and she said that no matter how enamored she could be with him, she couldn't bring herself to be Dr. Cootie.

She talked about how it was so hard to stitch up floppy skin. (Thanks, Dr. Greene)

But the best part was what she was singing while the nurses counted off the instruments. During surgery, every five or ten minutes, the nurses have to count off the instruments to make sure they are all accounted for and while she was rambling off "Scalpel: one, two, three, four, five. Clamps: one, two, three, four, five in use, six in use..." so on and so on, my doctor was singing this:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

No longer tongue-tied!

Celia got her tongue clipped yesterday. It was real quick. She didn't cry any harder than if she were hungry or gassy and only bled for about an hour. Nursing doesn't seem to bother her and it feels better on my end, as far as I can tell from a few feedings and the pain doesn't seem to bother her because she doesn't cry more than normal and she slept through the night like normal last night.
She keeps sticking her tongue out which looks funny to me because she hasn't been able to do that before today and she is doing it all the time.
I'm glad we did it, despite the doctor not using any pain killers. Just a pair of scizzors and snip, snip, snip she was clipped.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


This year was a total cop out again, but much to my pleasure, my son had no idea he was missing out.

Friday night we went to our ward's Trunk-or-Treat where Aiden ran around like a maniac dressed up as a nerd (his underlying costume clothing was super nerdy, but you weren't supposed to see that because he was supposed to be stoked to wear his costume... that didn't happen) and Cecilia was adored by the other mommies in the ward. My goal with her costume was to try to get as many people bit by the baby bug as possible. :) Actually, we thought it would be funny if she were a frog and then a few weeks later I realized that with just the costume, people would think she was a boy, so I added a flower to the cap of the costume and made a little frilly tutu, and voila! She was worthy of inducing bites by the baby bug.

Saturday we stayed at home because we are actually in a place that people will come to your house to trick or treat, my husband was working to keep all the bad guys off the streets and I was stuck nursing every hour or two. Granted my mom could have taken Aiden out but that is just full of downsides. One, she could have gotten lost because she doesn't know the area very well, two, I would have missed Aiden's first Trick or Treating, and three, there would have been that time that I would have to nurse and kids would be at the door. Now in this situation, I could do one of two things: I could ignore them and not answer the door, but you can see my nursing chair from the front door, so they would know someone was home and then I'd be that person, or two, I would answer the door while nursing and somehow I don't think the parents of the children would appreciate that too much.

Good thing Aiden had no idea what he was missing. He thought it was great when someone would ring the door bell, making the dog bark and then to answer the door only to see a group of crazy kids there. Then we'd pass out the candy, and he'd yell goodbye and slam the door shut. He loved it! Ignorance is truly bliss.

So there we go. I don't think we will be able to get out of next year, but really, who wants to? Halloween was one of my favorite holidays growing up with all the fretting over what you were going to wear and then the preparation, the chance to wear make-up before I was allowed and not get in trouble for it going around the neighborhood multiple times, making sure to hit the jackpot houses time and time again and then the diligent sorting of the candy afterwards.

I can't wait!

Now feast yourselves on the cuteness of my children in their costumes:
This was the underlying clothing of Aiden's SpongeBob costume. The part you weren't supposed to see.

Cecilia as a girly, frilly frog. I definitely think I'm going to like girls costumes. They're fun.

And my masterpiece: Aiden's homemade SpongeBob costume!! I think it's adorable, even if you can't get a good look at it because he is smooshing it up.