Monday, November 16, 2009

Appointments for Celia

She had her one month check up last Wednesday. She weighed 10 lb 1 oz - 75% and was 22 inches long - 90%. She is doing wonderfully. She's very alert and has started to follow objects around the room and she has started to smile! Hooray! I love the first smiles when she's still trying to figure it all out.
We were having trouble nursing on the right side, so I came back today to see the Nursing Guru of the pediatrician office. Apparently she has a high palate which causes her to lose suction and make a clicking sound. The Nurse Practitioner told me that the best way to stop this is to feed her upside down. I am supposed to lie down and have her stomach in front of my face and feed her like that. We'll see how well that goes with a son that loves to help. I have a feeling I'll only use that during nap and at night. I'm not too worried about her intake seeing as how in the past five days she has gained 9 ounces. It just hurts on my end of things but that will heal in time.

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