This morning he was crawling around and for about ten minutes straight while he was crawling he was just doing it over and over every few seconds. I tried to do it back to him but my cheeks quickly tired after a couple minutes.
He is becoming so much fun! He loves to play and wrestle and today he discovered a new favorite game. All day long he had been sticking his tongue out as far as it would go, so while I was holding him, I was mocking him and he tried to grab my tongue, but it was too slippery and he could never hold onto it, so he would try again, and again, and again. He thought it was hilarious, especially when I tried to grab his tongue. He finds games in the weirdest of things and I absolutely love it.
As for Thomas and I, we have been crazy with guests lately. This past weekend his brother, Josh and his family were here visiting. The weekend before Thomas' Uncle John and his girlfriend Natacha were here and the two weekends before that my mom was here. Our guest bed has been put to good use as of late. I am so glad that we were able to visit with these people. It has been a while since they have seen Aiden, and in John and Natacha's case, it was the first time meeting him. I love that Aiden is now at the point where he can interact and I can show him off to people. :)
Other than that, I have been mainly working on getting things prepared for our church's Trunk or Treat. I have been making signs and flannel pumpkins and my better-be-award-winning costume all week long. I'm very excited and hope that there will be a fair amount of people who show up so that my efforts won't be all for naught. Time will tell.
Your kid is crazy. *laughing*
you taunt us with the prospect of pictures...
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