Monday, September 29, 2008

New Coats!

Do you remember the scene from "Christmas Story" where the main character and the younger brother are outside walking in the snow, and the younger brother is so bundled up in this giant, poofy red jacket that his arms are sticking straight out and he can't hardly move and falls over in the snow and can't get back up because all the layers of snow gear he is wearing makes him completely incapable of doing so?

Well, that's Aiden in his new jacket. We bought him a winter coat from eBay for when we go out to Utah, and by the weight sizing, it is exactly the right one for him, if nothing else, a little bit small. We received it today and I proceeded to put it on him and it is huge. It's a little bit too long, but mostly it is just a big poofy jacket. Too much for such a little person to handle, I think.

Ya live and learn. At least it was from eBay which means it wasn't expensive, and at least it's too big instead of too small and he will be able to wear it at a later date.

But on a brighter note. Thomas got a new Miami Dolphins coat, too, and his fits him perfectly and it looks awesome.

Looks like Zelda and I are left out on the new jacket trend.


Anonymous said...

Good thing you have so many coats for that 2 weeks of chilly weather in Florida. lol

Brenna said...

I have a Balloon fiesta jacket you can wear.

Kimberlei said...

It actually gets kind of cold here sometimes. I've used my jackets plenty of times living here.
And I would love a Balloon Fiesta jacket.