Tuesday, June 2, 2009

OB Appointment

Yesterday I had another OB appointment. It was all good news. This past month I had my blood work done and an ultrasound. Everything checked out with both of those. The baby is spot on where she should be and all the blood work came back normal. There was one little possible complication. The placenta may have attached in the front of my uterus which kind of complicates a C-Section because that's where they will be cutting. It is of no harm whatsoever to the baby or myself, so I'm not worried about it. I have to have another ultrasound in 8-12 weeks to see if it did, in fact, attach on the front, and that is just to give the doctor a heads up so they are informed of what they have to do and then we will take it from there.
Her heart beat was in the 150's and I am feeling her kick all the time now.
The doctor also showed me some stretches I can do to help with my sciatic nerve flaring up and prescribed me some wrist splints to wear at night to help with my carpal tunnel.
Overall, everything is fine, I just need to drink more water! I have mild cramping and swelling in my extremities because I am not drinking enough fluids. Or rather, I'm not realizing just how much I sweat during the hot, humid, Florida summer days and am not compensating enough for it.
So here's to another appointment with good news that mom and baby are happy and healthy!

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