Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School, schmool

Alright, I take that back. I have officially hit that part of my between-semester break where I am ready to get back. I've had enough of a break and just ready to get back to my semester-long rut. I am fully aware that this will only last a couple weeks at most and I'll be wishing for a break.

I imagine this next (and last!) semester will be even worse. On top of school and whatnot, I will be doing my capstone, preceptorship, whatever you call it. I'm pretty stoked for it, but *INCREDIBLY* nervous about it being PM shifts and daytime classes. I don't do so well without sleep. I get migraines. And bad. I don't know how well I'll do at switching my schedule around so often. So here's to hoping that won't happen! :)


At least I get to have one last hoorah before school starts. I am off to Montana for the next four days and then immediately back to the grind. I drive back Monday in holiday traffic to pass off my ACLS Tuesday, Capstone Hospital orientation on Wednesday and class on Thursday.


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