Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Few Days Late and Some Pictures Short...

So, our ward's Trunk or Treat was on Friday and I (amazingly) remembered everything that I needed to bring as far as decorations, costumes and the sort go, but of course forgot the camera! So right now I am at the mercy of my dear friend, Jennifer, and one of our Primary teachers, Sister Jones, to see the pictures from the Trunk or Treat and Aiden and I in our costumes.
I was dressed up as a pirate and Aiden was my monkey. I was going to have him be a parrot but all the reasonably priced parrot costumes were either boring, boring, boring or looked like a molting bird. So I went with monkey.
It went really well. Up until this year it had been a strictly primary kids activity, but Jennifer and I decided that was ridiculous and our ward needed some more activities together because our two activities a year don't cut it. We have an after-church Christmas dinner and the past few years we had a Sugar Cane Grinding Breakfast at our old Bishop's house. He was just released a few weeks ago so I don't know if we will even have that this year. So with all that said and done, we tried the best we could to have it be a ward activity. There were about 75 people who showed up. We started out eating and then went to the "Carnival Games". We had a bunch of booths because I got a little excited and kept finding fun Halloween games and decided we could do a little of all, but the thing is, we had more booths than Youth in the ward, so not all of them were manned. After all that, the kids went out into the parking lots and went Trunk or Treating.
We had a few fiascos, but nothing of import. Jennifer thought she left the face paints in her bag at work, so while kids were waiting for face painting, she's driving across town to the office she works, only to find the bag was not there, but in the church the entire time. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off (would have been an awesome costume, don't ya think? :p) trying to get the booths set up. Thanks be to the our wonderful 2nd counselor in the Bishopric because he entertained Aiden most of the night. Yaay!! But other than that, it went really well. I had fun, but I cannot tell you how exhausted I was at the end of the night.
I think we had a good foundation for years to come, and hopefully next year we will have more people come.


Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah yeah always with the excuses for the no picture thing.

Kimberlei said...

Yeah, well, it's hard to capture pictures to go with new Aiden news because he is such a ham. The second the camera comes out, he is busy posing so forget trying to get candid shots of him doing what I'm trying to tell you.

Anonymous said...

It is okay just nice to see any photos since you guys are so far away.