Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello, my name is Kim.

So I think I am officially a blog addict. It seems almost every day I find another blog to follow because they seem to comment a lot on the blogs I already follow and so I check theirs out and if their blogs inspire me or make me laugh, they are added to the list.

When I first started a blog, I was surprised to see how many of my friends had a blog as well and through theirs I found blogs of my Stake President's daughters, a girl that was in Young Women's with me but I never really talked to because she was two years older and I was always intimidated by how gorgeous she was, my sister in law's sister, all of whom I follow anonymously because I don't know what they would think if I followed their blog. Dumb, I know. I legitimately know them, could tell you their birthdays even, but that may or may not be because I am a freak with dates like that. (My husband would assuredly say it's just because I'm a freak like that. I could tell you the date I moved from Utah to New Mexico.... 17 years ago. I could also tell you the date my brother had to report to the MTC and the date my other brother came home from his mission.)

But now I have found the wonders of following blogs of people that I really don't know, but have things in common with me. For instance, most of the blogs I follow have a common denominator. They are young mom's trying to save money and still do cute things for their kids. They live in Utah or New Mexico and to hear them talk about it makes my heart warm a little bit. They are Mormon and like to poke fun at the fact that a lot of people have misconceptions about Mormons that stem from next to complete ignorance about what our religion is about.

Some of them I skip over on a semi-regular basis, but most I laugh out loud and when I try to explain to my husband why I am laughing, it all seems lost on him.

But back to the main reason of this post, I wonder if there are others that read my blog and are to ashamed to admit it. I really don't care, it would help me justify the time I spend thinking about how I could write about the funny things in my life, the things that leave an impression on me and the random things that come to mind.

Oh, and if you do follow my blog, and I don't know, and you live near me, and are lookin for a boat, we are trying to sell our boat so you should buy it.

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