Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stake Young Women Presidency

I was recently called into the Stake Young Women Presidency as Secretary. I have no experience in Young Women except for when I was last in Young Women, five years ago. Which brings up another Why-Am-I-The-One-Called-For-This? point. If I had lived here five years ago, I would have been in Young Women with the Laurels that I am indirectly in charge of. They would have been Beehives when I was a Laurel.
I am very excited and look forward to see what is in store for me. It must be pretty important that I do this while I am still here for some reason and I'm anxious to see what reason that is. I have a whole laundry list of reasons why I could see why I wouldn't have been called to this, the least of which includes me moving in a few short months to Utah, my husband being a Police Officer that has to work every other Sunday and having two children under the age of two, but I am not one to turn down a calling that is extended to me.

For those of you who are not LDS: Young Women is an organization of well, young women, from the ages of 12-18. They participate in group activities and have Sunday School together in their wards or congregations. So many wards belong to a Stake. For instance, there are 8 wards in our Stake. My role as Stake Young Women Secretary pretty much means I will be taking notes and emailing the necessary people for the Stake Young Women President when we travel to the different wards to meet with them to assess their needs.

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