Well, it started on Saturday because Aiden and I had to go to a Primary Easter Egg Hunt. Unfortunately, it was a absolutely beautiful day, perfect for Easter Egg hunting and wouldn't you know it that my stomach was having a completely off day so I wasn't able to stay outside too long before the heat got to me and I had to run back in before I was throwing up. So I don't have any pictures of Aiden hunting for eggs. Terrible. But we had a great time. Jennifer read the story of the Three Trees to the kids, they went to hunt for Easter eggs and then we all came back into the church for refreshments.
After that, all four of us (Daddy, Mommy, Aiden and even Zelda made a few appearances) jumped in the pool and swam around for a little bit. I so desperately wanted to be outside to enjoy the beautiful day but the heat was too much so we decided to go swimming. We thought it was great because we felt the water before we got in and it was nice and warm, but we just didn't dip our hand in far enough. It was nice and warm for the top six inches and progressively got colder as it went down. But we soon were used to it and had a good time.
Easter Sunday we woke up bright and early to get ready for church. I had to be there early because the Primary kids were singing the prelude music so of course all my careful planning got us there two minutes early, just in time for me to run up and try to sing all out of breath. During Sacarament Meeting, Aiden was fussy. He wanted the hymnal, but he wanted to hold it just the way he wanted which of course was one page in each hand, over his head, just waiting to tear out pages. He was fussy and had green boogers oozing out of his nose on a constant basis, so Thomas ended up taking him home so he didn't infect the kids in Primary or Nursery and also Thomas had caught whatever Aiden had and wasn't feeling well either. So I stayed until the end and they came and picked me up.
Then it was home to take naps and then get ready to go to Nana and Pop-Pop's for the family Easter dinner.
It was a fantastic dinner and as always, Aiden had a great time playing with his cousins. It really is refreshing to see him running around and laughing with the rest of them because at home he just wrestles with Zelda then ends up crying because he gives something to Zelda that he really just wanted her to look at and not take, but she takes it and runs off to chew on it.
Since then he has had a blast pilfering into his Easter basket and sneaking candy out until he got to the candy that was wrapped in foil because he doesn't know to take it off, and will just chomp down on the wrapper and everything so we had to put it up and hide it out of reach. Now every time he sees it on the counter, he gets really excited and with the most fascinated face says, "Ooh!! What's that?" He absolutely loved the Chocolate Bunny and Reese's but isn't really sure about the Cotton Candy which is hilarious to me because he's so eager to eat the sugary fluff but when it disolves before it even truly enters his mouth, he has the most confused look on his face.
All in all, it was fantastic and can't wait for next year to see what it has in store for us with two little ones around the house.
Here are pictures of Aiden and his loot. He's a funny kid.
It took him a while to get that the stick was to hold and not to suck out of like a straw. I had to make him lick the lollipop before he understood the deliciousness of the not stick side.
And then he wouldn't let it go for anything.
He finally gave up trying to get over the quick-disolving of the Cotton Candy and just decided to squish it all into a tiny ball which he graciously shared with Zelda.
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