Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In Case There Are People Who Aren't Aware Yet..

Thomas and I are expecting our second baby October 22. We are extremely excited and ready to see how we tackle the challenge of two little ones. Pregnancy so far is going well. I already feel like I am gigantic - too gigantic to be only 14 weeks along but I have to keep reminding myself that most of it is that incredible amount of still stretched out skin from Aiden.
Morning sickness has not yet abated, much to my dismay. It is 24/7 and there are so few foods that sound good: PB&J with a big glass of milk, but not too big because a lot of milk makes me queasy these days, quesadillas with salsa, but not too much salsa because my heartburn is terrible already and completely loaded hot dogs that, of course, are full of sodium, making my feet swell already.
I am starting to get a little more energy. I still have to take naps everyday, but I am able to clean for the first half of Aiden's nap and then sleep the rest of the time. So I'm still super exhausted, just not as much. I'll take what I can get.
My next appointment is April 28 and I might have more information for you then. After that, it should only be four or five weeks until we find out what we are going to have.
As I'm falling asleep everynight I lay there and try so hard to feel the baby move, but I can't say that I have felt the real deal yet. I look forward to when I can feel him/her move because it seems to me that it'll make all this more bearable. As for now, I am just thankful to our Heavenly Father blessing us with another little one and hope that we'll stay healthy.

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